Invest PGH

Strategic Plan

Our Mission:

  • Promote and create economic and community development opportunities for underserved persons and distressed communities in the City of Pittsburgh

  • Provide access to capital for existing businesses, entrepreneurs, and neighborhood- and community-based organizations involved in activities that support our goals

Why a Strategic Plan?

Invest PGH was founded in tumultuous times. The COVID pandemic was the greatest economic disruptor in a lifetime. Then, as the pandemic waned, inflation took hold. Small businesses, already buffeted by supply chain issues and reduced revenues, continued to confront those challenges, compounded by a smaller workforce, higher wages, unpredictable consumer habits, and rising costs. The specter of recession has shadowed the economy for more than two years.

It’s hard to imagine a time in which a new CDFI would be more relevant - and useful.

Invest PGH is a mission-driven financial institution taking a market-based approach to supporting economically disadvantaged communities, and is working in partnership with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh. Through a comprehensive planning process begun in the fall of 2022, Invest PGH has identified five areas of focus for 2023 - 2025.

Our Tenets:

Telling Our Story Across Our Community

To measurably increase Invest PGH’s intentional outreach and visibility in the communities it serves

  • Deliberate inclusion of communities of color and low-income communities within all marketing and outreach activities; deep outreach into communities with banking deserts; deep relationships with trusted community organizations

  • Clarification of Invest PGH’s relationship with the URA: the opportunities for additional types of funding from the URA; making the choices and offerings of Invest PGH distinctive

  • Enhanced data collection to produce market-driven materials

  • Development of sophisticated social media strategies for penetrating community outreach

Expanding Invest PGH’s Capacity to Support Community Needs

To significantly build funds available for Invest PGH programs and services

  • Diversification of revenues through successful solicitations of private foundations and corporations in support of microloans and emergency loans as well as support for key industries in which the foundation or corporation has historic investment

  • Maintenance and expansion of partnership with URA efforts to serve lower-income communities (e.g., Avenues of Hope)

  • Employment of necessary risk management practices

Strengthening Our Existing and Potential Customers’ Ability to Compete

To equip our customers with the tools, information, and support that will help them successfully grow their businesses

  • Education of potential borrowers on how to qualify for Invest PGH loans through the use of tools on the website, and through virtual and in-person classes

  • Robust execution of customer portals and experience tools

  • Issuance of periodic post-loan surveys to gauge customer needs, and following up with resources

Responding to the Economic and Business Climate

To better meet the needs of our borrowers as they work in a disruptive business environment

  • Development of a crisis or emergency loan fund

  • Introduction of a program for existing borrowers, with consideration toward further industry-specific loan programs such as CRiB to align with funder goals, e.g., loans for local food companies

Leveraging Invest PGH’s Impact Through Effective Partnerships

To continue to build a continuum of support for borrowers through referrals and collaboration with local partners

  • Regular communication with banking partners, CDFIs, credit unions, and other mission-oriented small business support organizations in the Pittsburgh ecosystem

  • Convening of a biannual forum with community development groups, as well as borrower networking events